Personalized Painting
Personalized Painting
Tell Claudio Limón your story or theme, colors and how you envision your personalized art and he will create a unique and completely specialized painting for you.
Once ordered and paid, we will contact you and share a one pager format where you will be able to provide your story, details and all necessary information Claudio may need to create your painting.
Production time: 2-3 weeks.
Artist: Claudio Limón
Materials: Acrylic
Dimensions: 18 inches x 24 inches.
NOTE: The painting will be shipped unframed.
Materials: Acrylic
Dimensions: 18 inches x 24 inches.
Available framed or unframed.
Weight:Unframed: 1.10 pounds
Framed: 6.61 pounds
Production: Handmade in México by Claudio Limón
Check our return & refund policy here
Ships everywhere in the USA. Shipping charges will apply at checkout.
We will ship between 2-3 business days if product is in stock. Please be aware that every art piece is unique and Claudio Limón collection is limited. If a product is ordered and we are out of stock, we will notify via email and determine whether the customer wishes to select a similar product that is available.
For personalized paintings please consider 2-3 weeks production time plus regular shipping timings.